Fédération internationale des Ceméa
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>> Europe - Europa
Economie de l’éducation en Europe
The European Expert Network on Economics of Education (EENEE) is now running in its eighth year. It is an EU Think Tank sponsored by the European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture, and coordinated by the ifo institute. EENEE aims to contribute to the improvement of decision-making and policy development in education and training in Europe by advising and supporting the European Commission in the analysis of economic and financing aspects of educational policies and reforms. We would like to inform you that EENEE has just provided a re-vamp of its website, which is one of its key services and acts as a forum to promote and disseminate research on the Economics of Education in Europe. In accordance with the focus of EENEE’s work over the past years, we want to alert you to the following features and new "products" : * EENEE has just started a new series of "Policy Briefs" - two-pagers on important research topics tailored to the needs of busy policy-makers ; the first two are on "The Cost of Low Educational Achievement in the European Union" and "Class Size : Does It Matter ?" www.eenee.org/link/eenee-policybriefs.htm * Over recent years, EENEE has written ten "analytical reports" on topics commissioned by the DG Education and Culture, including such topics as "Financing lifelong learning" (Falch/Oosterbeek), "A Policy Agenda for Improving Access to Higher Education in the EU" (Veugelers), "Non-Cognitive Skills and Personality Traits" (Brunello/Schlotter), and "The Cost of Low Educational Achievement in the European Union" (Hanushek/Woessmann). www.eenee.org/link/eenee-reports.htm * There is an extensive list of literature references to the economics of education, organized by topics that should be useful to anyone entering the field. www.eenee.org/link/eenee-economics-topics.htm Maj :03/11/2011
Auteur : ficemea |