
"Planning For Youth Engagement- Building Education Systems for Social Transformation" 16 -18 October 2012 Paris (France)

The 13th February 2012, the Secretary General of WORLD ASSEMBLY OF YOUTH, Ms. Ediola Pashollari and the representatives of CIDA, GIZ, IFAD, INEE Youth Task Team, Laval University, UNESCO-GMR, UNESCO Youth Division, National University of Ireland, Galway, University of Ulster, Penn State University and University of Chicago, at the first consecutive preparatory meeting towards organizing of the Policy Forum at the IIEP-UNESCO building in Paris, France.

This meeting led to the forging of a partnership between WAY and the IIEP- UNESCO in joining the earlier mentioned partners to hold a Policy Forum under the banner "Planning For Youth Engagement- Building Education Systems for Social Transformation" to be held on 16th to 18th October 2012 in Paris, France.

In her delivery message, Ms. Ediola Pashollari shared with the representatives present the various recommendations WAY received from youth on how to involve youth actively and participate in activities organized and sponsored by UNESCO and its agents.

- Amongst some of the suggestions mentioned were that youth should be the spear-headers in the decision making process therefore young people should be wholly involved in the process of program organizing and not in part ;

- UNESCO to attend other youth organization programs ;

- Older generation and the younger generation should be involved in more dialogue without protocol so as to allow a mutual understanding between the two levels ;

- Youth to volunteer in warzone areas so as to convince other youth through dialogue toward conflict prevention and peace building ;

- Retracing the root objectives of UNESCO reaching out to all youth and genuinely sense youth worries ; involve youth in changing the education curriculum and providing bursaries or sponsorship to the youth so as to have them participate fully in such programs.

The Paris Policy Forum will aim to bring together experts from different fields to examine the role of both formal and non-formal education, in recognizing, valuing and promoting youth engagement and how to plan towards this aim. It will review available research on the progress of youth engagement in different countries across different regions around the world.

Referral research and documentation of cases of good practice will include the UNESCO Youth Forum of 2011, UNESCO World TVET Report of 2012 and the Educational for All, Global Monitoring Report of 2012.

Maj :15/02/2012
Auteur : ficemea

Auteur : marc geneve