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Fédération internationale des Ceméa
New Skills and Jobs – The role for non-formal adult education 17/18 /11 2011 Brussels
The European Association for the Education of Adults invite to the thematic conference : "New Skills and Jobs – The role for non-formal adult education " 17/18 November 2011, at Hotel Silken Berlaymont, Brussels Europe is struggling with a severe financial crisis and high levels of youth unemployment in many member states. To improve the situation the European Union has proposed a number of measures, including the “New Skills for New Jobs”-initiative. This initiative is supposed to · Promote better anticipation of future skills needs · Develop better matching between skills and labor market needs · Bridge the gap between the worlds of education and work It is time to have a closer look at what “New Skills for Jobs” is all about, what it means, and what the role of adult education could and should be. The EAEA Thematic Conference for 2011 therefore focuses on these questions, and has invited key stakeholders representing employers, trade unions, the European Commission, universities, and social NGOs. You will see examples of skills development, hear from projects dealing with aspects such as validation, second chance, workplace learning, and much more. Panel discussions, gallery walks with stakeholders, interactive workshops and plenary sessions will provide a mix designed to give you an extensive overview. If any of the objectives below interests you, you should sign up now ! The objectives of the Conference are · to inform the participants what the Agenda for New Skills and Jobs is about · to discuss what impact is it meant to have · to clarify what people can expect from different institutions when it comes to coping with changes in society and the labour market · to provide a basis for EAEA to get involved in this agenda · to discuss the issue of ‘skills´ and ‘employability´ and their relation to non-formal adult education · to help adapt and widen the EAEA statement on the New Skills Agenda · to launch a discussion with associations from other Education and Training sectors, which could lead to a common project · to link the New Skills Agenda to the follow-up of the Action Plan for adult learning Gina Ebner Secretary General EAEA Rue d’Arlon 40, B-1000 Brussels Tel : +, Fax : + gina.ebner@eaea.org Maj :03/11/2011
Auteur : ficemea |