Convener : Eugenia
List of participants : ola, monika, Fred, Alica, Claudio, Elisabeth, Didia
Discussion and recommendations (important guideline : KISS [Keep It Simple, Stupid]) :
The place of non sexiste education in intercultural dialogue.
There was a big discussion about what is it : “stereotypes”
Valors : respect an equal participation, also in the complexity of different cultures an important problem is to have to reflect to the gender equal possibility.
Is quote rosa ( a certain amount of women in the political election) a good practice ?
In Portugal and Spain, there are many projects : “To women for women” 20 mentors politically powerfull linked to 20 girls 18.26 Years old, and meet 5 times/ year in order to help them destroy stereotypes, give new ideas making projects. In new program for men to raise their competences in the everyday life.
Intercultural program are to deconstruct stereotypes and find an intercultural dimension to built a common language.
To get an non sexist education, you have to see your culture stereotypes. So the intercultural dimension helps to open minds and find new dynamics.
In Poland some jobs are only for mens and there are no jobs for women who are pregnant and all the high position women have a men on a higher position.
Education has a capital role and education to media. |