
Fédération internationale des Ceméa
:: The project  :: The activities  :: The associations  :: The History  ::
:: A dynamic network  :: Official recognition  :: Contacts  ::

The History

The International Federation of CEMEA was created in the 1950’s, as a result of associative action in France engendered by the dynamic of the social reform of 1936 and the Liberation of 1945. It firstly reunited educaters in countries close to France : Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, where a strong tradition of new education existed already. The Federation, which counted at that time about fifteen countries, took up legal status under Belgian law. It held its first Congress in Beyrouth in 1972 whose work was on the theme of “how extra-scholastic support can transform school.” The FICEMEA expanded to other parts of the world : the Indian Ocean, Africa, Latin America, the Near East, etc. It focused on education in its globality, from first childhood to adult learning.

The federation has since reunited all its members either in congress or in study sessions every five years or so. Each time an important aspect of education is studied ; for example : “culturel differences, motor of development” r “a scientific culture for all.” The last forum was held in Dunkirk in July 2003 with for subject, “What education in a globalized world ?”

Although at its origin, the federation brought together only generalist organizations, conceived of along the “historical model,”that is to say interested in all aspects of education, it welcomes today associations with more specific focuses not necessarily having nation-wide status and whose modes of functioning are diverse. To assure a better perception of the diversity of the assembled associations, the functioning of the federation is structured today around four Regional Commissions (Africa, South America, Europe, the Indian Ocean).

Maj :19/06/2006
Auteur : ficemea