

Gyerekparadicsom’s aim is to develop and augment their work relating to socio-cultural activities in Hungary.
The organisation helps professionals and youth organisations Since 2003, the organisation has organised a series of inter-professional conferences in Hungary for professionals working with children.
The scope of their activities includes international projects which they share with other Hungarian organisations and professionals.

The organisation offers
– Support for the development and implementation of academic programmes, and
– Training for professionals.
– Exchanges within professional networks
– A platform to facilitate cooperation between partners on questions relating to politics and training issues.

People resources
The organisation’s president is a professor who specialises in social work and is associate professor at the university of Széchenyi István in Győr.
Their areas of particular interest are: the development of professional competencies in social work, social work with children and families, socio-cultural activities. The organisation works with a number of Hungarian education experts.


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Posted in Hungary