Main objective
The Training, through active methods, of educational social stakeholders, volunteers and professionals, the incentive and impetus of training dynamics, the promotion of projects, the pooling of ideas, activities and initiatives for the transformation of educational and social practices.
Specific objectives
1°- The organisation of all activities for educational purposes (seminar, research, extracurricular assistance, literacy, social assistance, policy, etc.)
2°- The training of educational and management personnel of temporary and permanent communities.
3°- The organisation, leadership and management of stays for children and teenagers outside the family environment through recreational, relaxation, sports, excursion, tourist visit activities and discoveries, supported by a healthy, fit and proper diet, etc.
4°- The participation in sustainable development, in the fight against poverty through the training of young people and women in the skills required for undertaking income-generating activities in a vision of economic and financial empowerment.
5°- Educational assistance (monitoring of students who are struggling), the physical and moral protection of childhood and adolescence, re-education, the legal support of young offenders or victims of criminal offences, the fight against statelessness.
6°- International volunteering: organisation of stays for volunteers in partnership with other associations from other continents (especially Europe), international organisations and institutions.
7°- The development of “Action Research” in educational policy
1°- Training the supervisors of educational holiday and recreation centres (one work placement every year from 1969 to this year)
2°- Volunteering: “Project Globus” in Port Bouet and Bouaké

Ceméa Côte d’Ivoire
04BP711 Abidjan 04
Tél : +225 07 75 44 76

Président du Comité Directeur et du Bureau Exécutif National
mail : ngoran_ndri2004@yahoo.fr