The main objectives
- Encourage the exchange of experiences and practices between the different stakeholders who work in the Gaza Strip.
- Develop the principles of new teaching methods in order to improve the quality of social and educational work.
- Promote the recognition of individuals and their rights.
- Create and organise professional and voluntary training programmes (equivalent: bafa, bafd, bpjeps, dejeps) for male/female coordinators, educators and volunteers.
- Professional training for social workers in the Gaza Strip.
- Promote new education by the right to participation, the freedom of choice, non-violence and the fight against discrimination.
- The leisure activities’ scheme, training scheme, is a tool of individual and social emancipation.
- With the support of six operational units centred on training, social development, formal education, early childhood, youth and the resource centre.
- Creation of a professional training centre for stakeholders of formal and non-formal (male/female coordinators, educators, local development officers, social workers, professors).
- Following the creation in 2000 of the children’s parliament (space for expression and learning which involved more than 2000 young people throughout the whole Gaza Strip), launch in 2009 of municipal children’s councils in several cities (Khan Younis, Gaza, Rafah) in partnership with UNICEF.
- Annual organisation since 1999 of the Festival of Kites. In 2010, this event has beaten the world record with more than 7000 children who simultaneously have flown their kites on Gaza beach.
- Canaan has trained more than 1000 male-female teachers and professors based on the new education methods and has assisted them in the creation of hundreds of activities and events on education.
- Creation of 25 skills training sessions of nursery assistants, which have enabled to train approximately 1200 professionals working in 250 childcare centres and nurseries in the Gaza Strip.
- 13 training promotions (equivalent: dejeps) have enabled to professionalise 250 male/female head teachers of development and education structures.
- Canaan has trained and assisted approximately 20000 male and female coordinators and head teachers of summer camps.
- Creation of a resource and documentation centre in Gaza for social workers, students, community managers, volunteers.
- For 16 years, canaan has organised and led workshops and debates throughout the whole Gaza strip (schools, universities, associations) on the themes of democracy, non-violence, women’s’ and children’s’ rights, the fight against discrimination.

Institut CANAAN pour la nouvelle pédagogie
rue Omar El Mokhtar
Tél : 00 972 828 46 511
Salwa Jmal
Tél : 02 51 86 02 60
site internet :