• working with young people about the school day
• raising awareness of the ecological dimension
dynamics: evening school, insertion: support for private foundations and companies
The Togo Training Centres for Active Education Methods are proposing to organise with the sup-port of the Ministry of Tertiary Education, notably Inspections of the teaching district of Lomé “a festival of theatre” for the pupils of secondary schools and colleges of the jurisdiction.
In effect, this is an event of theatrical competition of which will focus on the works written, pro-duced, put together and played by the pupils themselves under the teaching supervision of their teachers. This event, every two years, will take place in three phases: the phase of writing or pro-duction of the work, the phase of staging and the phase of representation to the audience or the fes-tival.

BP 13227
Lome – Togo
Tél : 00 228 225 04 335

Paulin Tellah Tagan