
The puppet theatre company “TitiriSol” was born in Havana, Cuba in 1969. Since then, the company has a variety of presentations, workshops and conferences that promote puppet theatre, which allows a link between universal literature and different socio-cultural contexts where stories and images develop. In addition, the interesting world of puppets is presented in a healthy and entertaining way, as well as the relationship they have with other artistic disciplines, enriching the cultural activities of which children, youth and adults are a part. To date, the company has received numerous national and international recognitions, which has led to its participation in different festivals such as the International Puppet Festival “Rosete Aranda”, the National Puppet Festival “Rosario Castellanos”, as well as the 6th FESTIVAL MARIONETTES, of the French Overseas Department of Martinique, held in 2017.

Themes developed

Children, youth, specific audiences, education, art, culture, cultural diversity, training and social development.


  • To make culture and its various manifestations a pillar of education through alternative teaching and learning processes that take into account the daily context of the actors involved;
  • To promote respect for cultural diversity and for the participating social actors as a means of social transformation;
  • Contribute to the social integration of vulnerable and specific groups in the process of social and sustainable development, taking into account culture as a nodal axis and adding the element of education, health and citizen participation.


  • Accompaniment of cultural promoters to integration and the link with the active participation of social actors;
  • Integration of children and youth in cultural proposals with emphasis on the preservation of the collective memory based on daily life;
  • the evaluation of social impact projects, taking into account the appropriation of collectives and integration into endogenous processes;
  • Integration of methodologies favouring a more active and representative presence of the beneficiary communities.


In Spanish:

  • Cooperative and scenic games for the integration of social actors;
  • Educational services and elements for the integration of schools in the museum space;
  • Animation and manipulation techniques in puppet theatre;
  • Construction and development of puppets and animated objects;
  • Diploma in the development of the artistic potential of teachers in basic education;
  • Art and culture: elements for a new education ;
  • Management of social projects;
  • Workshop on diagnostic techniques for emancipatory participation;
  • Promotion of audiences and exploration of the public profile;
  • Elements of group integration.

TitiriSol – Es Calle 19 n°, 201 boulevard del Maestro, La loma Xicohlencantl Tlaxcala, Mexico C.P 9000 |Tél +213 23 50 83 77 Contact | Juarez Lourdes |cultura_palmusa@hotmail.com

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Posted in Latin America, Members associations, Mexico, The Americas and Caribbean