Presentation Dock Europe is an association founded in Hamburg and hosted principally by five people (four women and one man, three German and two French) Dock Europe works in the field of community education, further education and social work. The…
Presentation The projects of the Mali Training Centres for Active Education Methods are part of the prerogatives objectives supported by Education for all, and the fight against poverty. The association is working on the improvement of the quality of reception…
Presentation Polis is an international network for environmental education whose aim is to promote training, research and information relating to Environmental Education. It was set up in 1996 and holds NGO non-profit status. The objectives of the organisation’s activities are…
Presentation The aims of the ASMEA project are to encourage the integration of migrant students into the education system, to contribute to their integration into schools, to develop intercultural education. ASMEA is part of the European network “Schools without racism”…
Presentation PSWP is an association coordinating the different young people’s reception centres across Poland. This organisation brings together the different informal education centres. PSWP coordinates extracurricular education institutions working for the well-being and development of children and young people during…
Presentation The European Intercultural Club (CLUBE) is a non-profit organisation set up in 1998 which works in the areas of youth, education and training. The Club organises activities which have “sense”, in other words activities which respect and promote those…